+44 (0) 78455 66639  Surrey, Farnham

Add a splash of beauty with BHI


Services in Surrey

We Care

We Grow

We Maintain

BHI Gardening take care of your planting needs

What is a garden without plants? Plants are the most important part of the garden. Plants are nature and nature is life. The most beautiful and creative part of gardening which we gladly  undertake to make your space lively, colourful and beautiful.

Enhancing Natural Beauty
Planting adds lush greenery, vibrant colors, and textures to your landscape, enhancing its natural beauty and visual appeal.

Environmental Benefits
Plants help improve air quality by absorbing carbon dioxide and releasing oxygen, contributing to a healthier environment. They also provide habitat and food for wildlife, promoting biodiversity.

Improved Soil Health
Planting vegetation helps prevent soil erosion, improves soil structure, and increases its ability to retain moisture and nutrients, creating a healthier growing environment for plants.

Seasonal Maintenance
Regular seasonal upkeep ensures year-round landscape health and beauty by addressing specific needs at different times of the year. From spring pruning to fall mulching, this maintenance promotes plant vitality and a dynamic outdoor space that evolves with the seasons, offering continuous enjoyment.

Benefits of Planting

Our Planting services offer a multitude of benefits for your landscape

Get in touch with us

BHI the best gardening service near you

Our Rates:

  • One gardener £35.00 per hour (for the first 4 hours) £30.00 any additional hour.
  • Minimum charge is 2 hours per visit one gardener
  • Team of two £70.00 per hour (for the first 2 hours) £60.00 any additional hour.
  • Minimum charge 1 hour for two gardeners
  • Free disposal of up to 120l of green waste
  • We will supply all tools and equipment needed for the work
  • Fees for green waste disposal and parking may apply